Can the fire door of ordinary elevator machine room open inward?

Can the fire door of ordinary elevator machine room open inward?

Is it necessary for the door of the fire elevator machine room to be set as a fire door? Theoretically speaking, the computer room is on the roof and there is no need to install fire doors. But I saw two construction plans drawn by others, and they all set up Class B fire doors. Is it necessary or not? Please expert guidance.

The setting of the fire elevator should meet the following requirements:

1. Fire elevators should be located in different fire compartments.

2. The front room should be set up in the fire elevator, and its area: residential buildings should not be less than 4.5 square meters; public buildings should not be less than 6.00 square meters. When the front room is shared with the smoke-proof staircase, its area: residential buildings should not be less than 6.00 square meters; public buildings should not be less than 10 square meters.

3. The front room of the fire elevator should be set up against the outer wall. On the first floor, there should be an exit directly leading to the outdoors or a passageway with a length of no more than 30m to the outdoors.

4. The door of the front room of the fire elevator should adopt Class B fire door or fire shutter with stagnation function.

5. The load capacity of the fire elevator should not be less than 800kg.

6. The fire elevator shaft and machine room should be separated from other adjacent elevator shafts and machine rooms with a partition wall with a fire resistance rating of not less than 2.00h. When the door is opened on the partition wall, a Class A fire door shall be provided.

7. The driving speed of the fire elevator should be calculated and determined based on the running time from the first floor to the top floor not exceeding 60s.

8. Non-combustible materials should be used for the interior decoration of the fire elevator car.

9. Waterproof measures should be taken for power and control cables and wires.

10. A dedicated telephone shall be provided in the fire elevator car; and dedicated operation buttons for firefighters shall be provided on the first floor.

11. Water retaining facilities should be provided at the entrance of the front room of the fire elevator.

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