As we know,Sanitary ware is an important part in building materials.Without doubt,a good faucet makes a difference.This year pull-out faucet is more and more popular in the market,and most people prefer to choose this design used for the Kitchen and Basin.So we Provide Brass/Stainless steel body(It has good wear resistance,easy processing and other features),ceramic cartridge(35mm ceramic,durable without leakage).And together with the hose 30#,40#,50#,60#,70#, could choose what you need.
Beautiful appearance and practical design together with the competitive price will be the best one choice for you.
1.Brass Royal Style Basin Mixer Faucet(Gold plating finishing)--Strength and beauty in one.
A.Heavy metal texture,could pull-out the hose reach to 80cm,and 360 degree rotation.
B.Uniform concentration of effluent without leakage,lead-free pure every drop of water.